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2_124_Cottage.pdf Back 2_55_EcoBatch.pdf Eco Cottage 2-124m2 Eco Batch 2-55m2 2_103_Royden.pdf

Some examples of our range of plans which may be modified. We are trying to accommodate the wide range from budget & emergency to luxury eco homes.

In these times of disaster often folks are faced with having to downsize but still need to cater for the same size family, so we have introduced some very basic plans with no wasted space. Every meter counts when you are in this position & this is when you most need an affordable Healthy, Eco  Home for the family!

Don’t worry if you do not see what you are looking for, we have many more examples and offer the Architectural design service so just lets us work with you to make your

DREAM ECO HOME become your reality!

2_60_Alexandrina2.pdf 2_60_Alexandrina2.pdf 2_55_EcoBatch.pdf Lake Alex 2-60m2 Cardrona 2-166m2 2_60_Lake Alex.pdf 2_166_Cardrona.pdf 2_166_Cardrona.pdf 2_77_Gibson.pdf 2_77_Gibson.pdf

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Click any image for a PDF download

Royden 2-130m2 Gibson 2-77m2 Lake Alex 2-60m2 Alexandrina 2-60m2

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