“Cornerstone Eco Homes Ltd” utilize the only the best energy efficient and sustainable products in the market and are Licenced to use the “Cornerstone Structural Insulated Panel (SIP)”.
High insulation properties, & proven in the Christchurch Earthquakes to keep the occupants safe and secure as the “bones” along with the Cornerstone fully insulated floor slab the original & first of it’s kind in the market along with the highly insulated roof creating an airtight envelope minimising energy the requirement.
Cost effective
Cornerstone Structural Insulated Panel, is the most cost effective way to build, very competitive with standard building systems. If you then add on the savings from lowered heating and cooling cost you have more money in your pocket at the end of the day.
Strong walls
BRANZ testing revealed exceptionally high bracing units against earthquake and wind. The polystyrene part of the equation has revealed its strength and the concrete post and beam construction bonds the system together. The way in which the steel is tied to the foundation steel and stapled over the top plate acts as a cyclone tie.
High insulation
The insulation of the Cornerstone building system has an exceedingly high minimum R-Value of 4.3 for a 200mm thick wall and the R-Value of 5.75 for a 250mm thick wall. This allows the building owner to maintain the comfort level they require a lot longer.
Rapid construction
The large panels, 1.2 metres (or whatever stud height is required), fit together creating a large area of wall quickly and simply.
Eco friendly
Polystyrene is CFC and HCFC free in all stages of manufacture. "Objective scientific studies have demonstrated the benefits to the environment of using Polystyrene compared to other materials"
Fire safety
BRANZ testing revealed that the Cornerstone building system functions very well in fire conditions. Structurally the system did not fail, and the insulation factor of the polystyrene delayed the heat transfer through the wall. The gasses emitted from burning polystyrene are less harmful than those given off burning white pine. A fire retardant is used in the manufacture of expanded polystyrene.